What is ENULS


ENULS, initiated by the NULS community, is a blockchain that is fully compatible with EVM and Web3 API interfaces. ENULS uses the NULS as the main asset in its network. The contract assets and chain assets from NULS can also be bridge to the ENULS network.


ENULS can be also seen as a layer2 scaling solution for Ethereum that brings better performance and lower gas-fee cost. Meanwhile, ENULS blockchain will also be supporting efficient deployment of the Ethereum ecosystem projects.


The crosschain capability from NULS’s Parallel Chain - NerveNetwork, will empower assets from ENULS to be transferred & interacted with multi-chains, such as Ethereum, BNB Chain, Optimism, Arbitrum, Zksync, Tron, etc…

ENULS Mainnet now available

It's easy interact with ENULS Mainnet

Download Wallet

Metamask or Nabox Wallet, both are compatible with ENULS blockchain.

Add Network

Add the ENULS node RPC to your wallet


Explore our Ecosystem

Explore the ecosystem or deploy your favorite project on ENULS!

ENULS Testnet available